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Christmas 2015

Hello there! I cannot believe how close New Year's is already. It's insane, how fast this year has gone. Just felt like taking time to recap our first Christmas not only married, but (for me) away from family.

Our Christmas was pretty good. Reece was home. We had red rice and ribs (which were marinated in the Borja secret recipe) for dinner. We opened up gifts as soon as Reece got home. I wish I had thought to take a picture of us with our gifts. But I'll just list was we all got(: Sarg got two DreamBones, a couple big bones, booties, and a stuffed elephant. Loki got two treat toys and more num nums, They seems to be so excited when we were opening up their gifts. Almost as if they knew exactly what was happening. Reece got a Harley Davidson calendar, a Husker's ornament, thick socks for the cold, Xbox Live, candy, a reusable ice pack, Jurassic Park shirt, undies, key finder, iWatch, Lego set (fire station), stress person, and "Oh Shit!" handles for his jeep. I got Sailor Moon socks, booties that can be warmed up, gloves, a scarf, a Husker's ornament, candy, Crock Pot cookbook, and the Sony a6000 mirrorless camera. Oh! We also got these cute "Mr" and "Mrs" pillow case covers. I loved how we had so many gifts to put under our tree.

Sarg Checking Out The Camera
The next day, Reece and I ate breakfast at Village Inn. It still confuses me when we're out and about around 9am and it's still so dark outside. Breakfast was nice. I knew by then that Reece really loves his new iWatch and it will be well used. We talked about bringing Sarg to the lake if the weather was nice when the sun came up. It was actually beautiful day. We went back home to get Sarg and the camera. It was the first time I was there that we let Sarg walk the whole time off leash. He did so good! He made some new friends and avoided a bad situation (two doggies were just barking at each other, one wanting to play the other wanting to fight). I took a couple photos as we walked to try out the camera. Needless to say, I love it! Here are some of the photos I took on our walk:
Action Shot. He was in the middle of a turn, about to take off running.

Reece & Sarg<3

It's been a very nice weekend. Thankfully I am off this week, but Reece goes back to work tomorrow.  With how this year has gone, I cannot wait to see what next year has in store for us. That's all I got for now, until next time!


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