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Our journey begins..

Hello there. Welcome to my new blog. I'm gonna try this blogging thing again. This time about my life with my handsome hubby, Reece(: we're in the middle of moving from Las Vegas, NV to Anchorage, AK. The Air Force Gods decided we were needed in Elmendorf for the next couple of years. We've been "homeless" since April 28th. That's when TMO came and packed up our apartment. We stayed with my parents until we left Vegas. Then we packed up what we had left with us, including our two boys, and headed to Lincoln, NE. Since we're driving up to Anchorage, we decided it would be nice to visit his family before we made our way to AK. We spent about 11 days in Lincoln. Time went by a little too fast but I am so so happy we got to spend time with family.

That brings us to today, May 21st, the day I consider Day 1. We left Lincoln around 8:30am. Drove for about 563 miles and stopped in Jamestown, ND. If you've never driven north on I-29 from Nebraska to North Dakota, you're not missing much. Literally just field after field. With the occasional house (house, not houses), and occasional field of cows. 

Road Trip Totals.
Miles Driven: 563
Naps: Reece-1; Jessica-2. 

That's it for now. Nothing too exciting. Pictures to come later once I transfer them. Goodnight!


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