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Headley Rally 3000

Hello there(:
So let me tell you about the last two days..

We got back on the road a little after 7am. About an hour or so later, we saw some hitchhikers along the side of the road. That was just a little different. Since it's pretty desolate where we were, we filled up the truck at every gas station on the way. At one of the stops, a Canadian fella came up to Reece and asked to look at his motorcycle. After looking at it for a little while, he asked Reece a couple times if he was looking to sell it (which he isn't). He ended up coming back to give Reece his card (in case he changes his mind) and a hat from his company (or the company he works for). What a nice guy. 

Farther down the road, we ran into this pilot car sign. Had to wait about 10mins for the pilot car to lead us through some construction they were doing on the road. Our drive got a little more interesting once we started to see some WILDLIFE! We first saw three black bear cubs grazing on the side of the road. We also saw: lots of bison just hanging out along the highway, one ram, a couple mountain goats, one moose, and a beaver. Reece also saw a brown bear. I missed it cuz I was napping. I personally found the bear cubs SUPER CUTE(:

There was a car from Idaho with two younger males in it that seemed to keep passing us while we were in the Yukon/Bristish Columbia mountain area. They would just fly right by us. Reece was wondering if they were just stupid or thought that the speed limit sign said 100 mph (it was in kilometers). He went into this little rant about how stupid they are for speeding the way they were. What if they fly off the road? What if a moose or bison come out and hit them? If they get into an accident, that it would take FOREVER until help came. There was no service where we were in the mountains and barely any life up there. 

We drove until about midnight. Reece was a little uneasy about me driving so he drove the whole time. We drove about 800 miles. At 11:30pm, the sky was still lit. Like it was 7:30pm or so. We took a two hour nap and woke up about 2:30am. Decided to drive a little more. Once we started driving, Loki started meowing so loud and seemed like he was freaking out. But once we stopped driving, he stopped meowing. It got pretty annoying so we put him back in his carrier. We only drove about 50 miles. Then we decided to stop again and take a nap. In case gas stations weren't open that early (which they weren't) and Reece was pretty tired. While we were driving, the sky was lit as if the sun was starting to rise again. It never got fully dark. It was pretty weird. 

Road Trip Totals.
Miles Driven: 2622
Naps: Reece-3; Jessica-5

Today, our day started at about 6am, after our second nap that night. Both naps were in the truck at a rest stop for a couple hours. Surprisingly, we were able to get pretty comfy in the front seats of the truck. I just felt bad since the boys wouldn't really eat. I think because of any stress from being in the car for so long. It was about 39 degrees when we woke up. I didn't want to go potty at any of the rests stops so we tried a couple gas stations. We couldn't find one that was open but hope was in the town that was close by. We tried a couple gas stations there, they were open BUT no bathroom. We found a Walmart but they didn't open til 8am. Our first thought was, "what walmart opens at 8am?!" Haha Finally, we found a gas station that was open and had a bathroom! Yay relief! 

After we used the bathroom and got some coffee, we ran into a little herd of female elks grazing along the road. The view this whole time was just beautiful. So many trees. I kinda wished Dave was with us to teach us about the different trees we saw. We crossed back into America a little after 12pm (well 11am since we went into a different time zone). Crossing the border was SOO much easier this time. Literally took about 3 minutes and she only asked about firearms once. It was so exciting and relieving to be in Alaska and back on American soil again. Alaska scenery is pretty similar to Canada's as far as the trees and stuff. Besides the elk earlier, we didn't see any other animals today. 

But finally..after driving approximately 3,396 miles..driving for 5 days..we made it to our destination, our new home--Anchorage, AK/Elemendorf AB. It feels so nice to finally be here. The area, that we've seen so far, is so beautiful. The base is huge and so far seems to be clean (the community, again, what we've seen so far). Whoo. We just ate real food. I say real food because we literally survived off snack foods since we had A&W for dinner Sunday night. Reece is knocked out already (it's 10:40pm). Poor fella is so tired after driving so much and being stuck in the car for two days straight. All the good/decent pictures I got are posted below. I wish we had thought to get a better camera for the drive. The view in Canada and Alaska was beautiful and my iPhone just didn't do it justice. I tried though. 

Road Trip Totals.
Miles Driven: 3400
Naps: Reece-3; Jessica-6

Well I think this is good for now. Sorry today's post is so long. But thanks for stopping by! I will definitely keep blogging about stuff and posts pictures. So don't forget to check back every once in awhile(:


Writing on the rocks/Canada

Sara keeping watch at a rest stop.


One of the first cubs we saw. He turned away right when we took the picture.
Pilot Car Sign.

Pilot Car.


River along the hwy/Canada

More Canada.

Another River along the hwy/Canada

The Ram

Mountain Goats we saw climbing up the mountain.


More Bison. Straight Chillin..


He just wanted to cuddle(:

Sunset @ 9:13pm//Canada

Mtns along ALCAN hwy/Canada
Snowy Mtns/Alaska
Alaska, after crossing the border.
Tok Cutoff Hwy/Alaska

Yes, more Canada.
Welcome to Alaska Sign!

 Ps. Again sorry I couldn't get better pictures =/ Also, they're a little jumbled. The pictures didn't want to cooperate when I was trying to move them around. 


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