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Oh Canada!


Today we drove about 574 miles and currently in Saskatoon, in the center of Saskatchewan, Canada. We made it into Canada. Thank goodness. Crossing the border was quite the adventure. Woo wee. Let me tell you. So we left Reece's guns in Lincoln, NE, because we knew that you cannot have handguns in Canada. We get to the border. Give the lady our ID's, birth certificates, and the certificate of health for the Sarg and Loki. Obviously she had to ask some questions. Reece answered truthfully of course. The glock Reece has registered to him came up. She asked if we had any firearms with us. Well, we lost about an hour or so because she thought we might've been carrying a gun with us. They went through the whole truck and all of our luggage. Reece was not happy about that. 

Once we got through the border, everything was fine. Well...almost. Reece was pretty fired up for awhile about the lady at the border looking for a gun in the truck. Canada, at least coming through Saskatchewan, hasn't been super exciting. Just more fields, cows, birds, occasional houses, and little lakes. We got about 2258 miles to go! YAY! 

Now we're just relaxing at a Best Western we found. Face timing our families since we couldn't keep them updated since we got into Canada.

Road Trip Totals.
Miles Driven: 1137
Naps: Reece-1; Jessica-2.

Oh! I didn't forget about some pictures(:

Pretty much what South/North Dakota looked like from I-29.
 Plus, 'MERICA!

More South Dakota..

Still South Dakota..

South Dakota..

A Lake next to I-29 (Or Hwy 52) in North Dakota!


A Shell station we stopped at in Canada.

Bit of Canada from the Highway..this is pretty much all we saw.

Not amazing pictures, I know. Maybe tomorrow I can get some better ones. That's it for now, Goodnight!


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