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Our First Christmas Tree!!

Hello! It's been quite awhile. Just sitting at home with the boys, so I thought I would do a little update! Reece has been working a different schedule lately, he isn't home for a couple days at a time. He's kinda getting a break from work work, so that's nice. But we do miss him here at the house =/ especially Sarg I think. He seems to be a little moodier when Reece isn't home. He even checks the mudroom after I come home. I think he checks for Reece, see if he's coming in. Poor puppy.

Anywho, life hasn't been too bad here in Alaska. A couple weeks ago we got a good amount of snow. I was alone so I had to learn how to shovel the drive way. Which isn't as bad as I thought it would be.
November 21, 2015
I think we got at least 3 inches in Anchorage. I heard the Valley (Wasilla and Palmer area) got about 9 inches that night. So crazy! At least to me since I've never lived in an area where it snows like this. I love the way the world looks when there's snow! I just dislike the road conditions it brings. I slid for the first time a couple weeks ago. Thankfully there weren't any drivers in the road when it happened. My Rogue does pretty good with its all season tires. The Jeep on the other hand, does ok. It slides quite a bit but only because of its tires. Obviously. 

My Thanksgiving Dinner @ the CAC
This year, Reece had to work on Thanksgiving. Which by the way, is our first Thanksgiving as a married couple. They did a little Thanksgiving feast for the guys who did have to work and family was able to come. It was nice. There was bacon wrapped turkey, ham, bacon wrapped green beans, mashed taters, mac and cheese, lots of pies, and a yummy jalapeƱo cheese dip. At least that's all I can remember at the moment. After that I went to a coworker's place for dinner. Hung out there for a couple hours. We played Uno, Taboo, and Phase 10. It was fun. Needless to say, I was super stuffed by the end of the night. 

Our First Christmas Tree!
So since we have so much space in our house, we decided we HAD to get a Christmas tree. We decided to get a fake tree so we can use it over and over. On Black Friday, we decided to check out the trees at Target. I was surprised that Reece was willing to go out since it was Black Friday but our power was turned off for a couple hours. So we didn't know what to do at the house since we couldn't do anything. But yeah. I love it! I wasn't sure how I wanted to decorate it so I went with a more simple look. Just using ornaments and tinsel. The only thing we were worried about was that Loki would somehow knock over the tree, knock off ornaments, or pee on the tree skirt. So far, none of that has happened. 
Loki and his tree[=
The day after we put the tree up, I got this picture ^. We were getting ready to head out when I turned and saw Loki sitting by the tree. He was looking at me and Reece like he was asking for one of us to take his picture. So I did. I think he loves it. He's always going over to the tree, checking out the presents, and laying on the tree skirt. 
Loki loves Christmas
I'm amazed how much he seems to like the tree. I love that he likes it actually. I think I'm going to get more Christmas decorations for the house. Inside and out. Just not sure what yet. OH! We went driving around to look at houses that were decorated for the holidays the weekend we put up the tree. There weren't as many decorated houses as I thought there would be but we saw some gorgeous houses! We ended up going back during the day to see them and saw a couple moose hanging out in someone's yard! 

I can't believe how close the end of the year is. We've been in Alaska for almost 7 months already (it'll be 7 months on December 26th). And my birthday is in 9 days! Insane. I will be turning 25. TWENTY-FIVE! Where the heck did time go?! Reece is going to be working on my birthday, so I'm going to have a "me" day. I'm pretty excited. Hopefully, we can go to dinner or something the weekend before. I think that's all I got for now. Til next time(:


  1. I love your blogs friend! My favorite part was Loki under the tree

    1. I love those pictures haha I take a picture of Loki whenever he's laying or sitting by the tree.


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