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Virtual Baby Shower&&Joey's Nursery!


As you know, we are currently stationed/living in Anchorage, AK. Super far from home, for both of us. As far as having a baby shower, I was going to have one here but opted out when I got put on bed rest. The idea just didn't seem as fun when I couldn't be too mobile and was still pretty much a couch potato (Dr's orders). But my lovely mother-in-law threw us a virtual baby shower! We skyped with family and friends and had a little baby shower that way. We got lots of gifts and it was so much fun! I can just imagine how fun it would've been if we were able to travel and have one in person with the ones we love. I felt super grateful afterwards for the gifts and for everyone who was there. So if you were there, THANK YOU AGAIN! Sadly, I only remembered to take one picture of the baby shower-the diaper cake made by Joey's Uncle Blake, Aunt Sam, and Aunt Jenny.

Diaper Cake and Joey's Ultrasound Pic

Joey's nursery is pretty much done. We painted the walls a light grey. I wasn't really sure what theme to go with, so I decided not to necessarily go with a theme. I didn't want to do TOO much since this is obviously not going to be our forever home. Eventually, we'll add more things to the walls. 

View from the doorway

Crib and the accent wall(:

Diaper Changing station and dresser

The countdown is really on now. We are currently 35 weeks and 1 day. YAY! This is my last week on convalescent (medical) leave. I go back to work next week (sad face). I'm trying to finish up all the things I feel like still needs to be done before baby comes. Our next check up is next Monday (36 week mark) and on 19 September, I am getting the cerclage (stitch) taken out. We are expecting our little one to join us soon after I get the stitch taken out. That is it for now. Thanks for stopping by! Until next time ;]

Stitch taken out: 13 days
Due Date: 36 days


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