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36 Weeks Already?!

Hey there.

I can't believe we've made it to 36 weeks! It was also my first day back at work after being on bed rest/medical leave since the end of May. It didn't suck as much as I thought it would to go back to work. Thank goodness I still fit into my maternity uniform. I'm actually almost too big for it. I was relieved that I didn't get too big for them. I didn't think my belly would get as big as it has when I first bought them. Our check-up today went well. Doc said that I am good to keep going to work. So no more bed rest for me!

We're still scheduled to get to get the stitch taken out next week. I'm very curious to as to how long after that I'll be pregnant. Reece thinks little one will grace us with his presence if not that day, sometime before the end of the week. I just can't wait to see what our little one looks like(:

Joey has been a bit more active than usual today. I think it might've been the new/extra voices around him today. I'm super excited that he'll be here soon. Though, I'm also sad that I won't be pregnant for much longer. I've honestly enjoyed everything about being pregnant. It's definitely the best experience I've gone through. I've enjoyed watching my body change and feeling him move and grow. I've even enjoyed seeing stretch marks appear on my belly. I just can't believe how fast 36 weeks go by. I still can't believe that our life is about to change in such a big way.

Here are the three belly progress pics I took so far this pregnancy:
22 Weeks

28 Weeks

36 Weeks

How far along? 36 weeks

How big is peanut? App says the size of a large cantaloupe. Though we've been told at our last ultrasound that he's measuring two weeks bigger. Doc also said today he's measuring a bit bigger than average.

Total weight gain/loss? Currently, I've gained about 28 lbs. I feel the same everywhere as I did before baby. Still mostly belly. I'm very surprised I haven't gotten chunkier everywhere else since I haven't been able to work out at all.

Maternity clothes? Yup. The shirts I bought myself a couple months ago just barely cover my belly. I can feel a draft on my lower belly pretty much all the time. Just overall surprised at how big my belly got. I really thought the maternity shirts I bought would completely cover my belly throughout the whole pregnancy.

Sleep? It's been a bit more uncomfortable to sleep last couple weeks. I feel like I don't get enough actual sleep at night and end up napping at some point during the day on most days.

Best moment this week? TODAY! After finding out about my short cervix and everything, I am extremely grateful we made it to 36 weeks(:

Symptoms? Feeling more tired/lazy last couple weeks, occasional itchyness on my belly.

Food cravings? Because my brother-in-law showed us a picture recently, I really want In-n-Out. But obviously, there isn't one anywhere near us!

Food aversions? Nope.

Gender? Boy(:

Labor signs? Nothing serious quite yet. Have noticed that I've been getting braxton hicks more often. No pain or anything else though.

Belly button in or out? Neither. Its more just stretched and flat.

What I miss? Coffee, soda, sushi.

What am I looking forward to? Giving birth. I am oddly excited about the experience-the contractions, first time seeing Joey, everything.

Bump? Big! And finally got some tiger stripes along the lower/front part of my belly. When they first started showing (when I was about 32-33 weeks), I felt excited to see them. No idea why.

Thanks for stopping by! Definitely will update next week! Until next time...


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