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5 Months

Soon Joey will will be 6 months old. That's half a year. My only question is, HOW?! 

 12 lbs. 3 oz.

Unsure once again

Clothes Size
3-6 month (finally moving on up!)

Slowly but surely growing. Hair on the back is shorter and he has a bald spot. Hair color is light brown

to my amazement, his eyes are still a beautiful blue

Been taking little longer naps lately and sleeps a good minimum of 5-6 hours a night. 

Now on Alimentum (hypoallergenic formula). Still has the feeding tube. His goal is to eat a minimum of 110 mLs every 3 hours. What he doesn't eat on his own, we feed him through the tube. At night, since he seems to be extra sleepy, we do a continuous feed so we don't have to bother him.

This month
Starting to tolerate tummy time. He loves his piano mat! We've been able to keep gloves off him so he's been really catching up-using his hands more, playing with his feet, reaching for stuff, etc. He likes peek-a-boo and being told that "oh wow!" and "good job!". 


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