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Joseph Paul//1 Month Update!

Our little prince has been home with us for 3 weeks now after spending his first 19 days of life in the NICU. In case you didn't know, he got transferred to the NICU after birth because he had a pheumothorax/air pockets outside his lungs. The NICU was full of ups and downs but we're so happy he's better and home.

 Finally found some time to sit and do a 1 month update(: A little late..but better late than never right? 

9 lbs. 4 oz.

21.65 in/55 cm

Clothes Size
Newborn and 0-3 month. He’s almost too long for NB and 0-3 is a little big.

so much hair in the back, not as much on top. Light brown, sometimes looks like a dirty blonde in the sun.

BLUE! Lighter than when he was born (it was a dark blue/grey). Still has some spots of the darker blue/grey but overall a lighter blue.

Started sleeping 5-6 hours after his midnight meal. Otherwise, he still sleeps for 2-3 hours or so at a time. Likes to be held/sleep on mommy or daddy (trying not to start that habit). Normally sleeps in his little sleeper bed.

His eating is getting so much better! He's become quite the milk monster last couple days or so. I think it's a combination of his breathing getting better, he's over the little cold he had, and we changed the way we were feeding him. He can't really breastfeed, but I am pumping and he uses a bottle. His cleft palate doesn’t seem to give him any issues-no milk out of his nose or anything. For the most part, no spit up. He seems to spit up an hour or so after he eats if he didn't burp enough after eating.

This month
Pretty much since day 2, he’s been able to pick up his head and turn it from side to side. He likes to stare at lights. Started eating his hands. Smiles quite a bit and lots of coos when he’s awake. He lets you know when you do something he doesn't like/is uncomfortable. Moves around like CRAZY! Lots of kicking and arms/hands moving around. 

Also, his foot is doing so much better. It's almost completely healed. Personally, I don't think he's going to have any issues with the range of motion of his foot, but we're keeping an eye on it (seeing specialists) just in case. I can honestly say that I love being his momma. I honestly can't imagine having a more perfect baby(:


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