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Hello Third Trimester!

Well we've made it to the third trimester! YAY! Honestly, when we first found out about the funneling and my shortened cervix, I didn't think we'd make it this far. I felt so sure that the NICU was in our future if I was able to get to 23 weeks. Thankfully, Baby Joey is still cooking like he should be and things feel good(: 

28 Weeks//22 Weeks
How far along? 28 weeks, 5 days.

How big is peanut? According to my app, the size of a head of cauliflower. WHOA! (I plan on asking at our next appointment how big he is exactly)

Total weight gain/loss? At my last check-up a couple weeks ago, I believe I weighed in at 165 lbs. Putting me at a total weight gain of about 10 lbs. As you can see in the pic above, I'm mostly belly. I honestly thought I was going to explode and get chubbier everywhere. 

Maternity clothes? Yes and no. I have a couple maternity shirts I wear. But since I've been on bed rest, I usually wear sweats or pajamas and a few of my normal shirts somehow still cover my belly.

Sleep? I get up a couple times a night to use the bathroom. Other than that, no trouble sleeping. I sleep on my side and don't use a pregnancy pillow (couldn't get myself to spend the money on one when I have a bajillion pillows to use as I need). 

Best moment this week? Still being pregnant and in the third trimester. After the things that happened so far, I am so thankful things are still going as they should. 

Symptoms? No more sore chest. I had really dry eyes for a couple days a week ago and have been super itchy (trying so hard not to scratch).

Food cravings? Right this second, I just want a pineapple pepperoni pizza. But on the reg, I don't really have any cravings. 

Food aversions? None.

Gender? BOY! 

Labor signs? Nope. 

Belly button in or out? Still an innie. The outside of my belly button now pops out a little when I'm full. It's also closed up quite a bit, I think it'll be popped out in a couple weeks. 

What I miss? Coffee, In n Out, Sushi. 

What I'm looking forward too? Setting up the nursery and just having him in the world. 

Milestones? Getting through the second trimester(:

Bump? Clearly, there is one and it's definitely not little.

Cute moment of the week. Reece and Loki

Here's a little clip I got of Baby Joey kicking a little. (I was laying on my side, in case you're wondering why my belly looks a little funky.)

27 Weeks from Jessica Headley on Vimeo.


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