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Why haven't I blogged about this yet?!

I can't believe I haven't put this up on here yet. Well...

February 4, 2016-we found out that we are going to be adding to our family! I decided to take a home pregnancy test just to see. I ended up taking two tests at home (both positive) before calling the base hospital to get a blood test done. I felt pretty surprised. It just didn't feel real. Reece had come home that day pretty upset from work but once he saw the test, his mood did a complete 180.

February 5, 2016- went to the hospital on base to get some blood drawn to get a confirmation of being pregnant. It took a couple hours but eventually, a nurse called to congratulate me and told me what my next steps were. Told Reece right after and he was getting pretty excited. The next day we went to Women's Health to start my chart and get some more labs done.

My next appointment wasn't for another month or so. The most exciting part was the first ultrasound. I didn't cry like I thought I would. When we got to see our little peanut, I just felt so amazed. Amazed is the best word I can think to describe the feeling. It was just so awesome to see that there really is a little human growing in my belly. Here's one of the first ultrasound pictures (yes I know it's sideways).
10 Weeks, 4 Days (March 18, 2016)
I was expecting to see a little bean. Like the way they normally show it in movies and stuff when someone finds out they're pregnant. I was surprised to see that it already has its head and limbs were forming. Again-super amazed.
13 Weeks, 1 Day (April 5, 2016)

19 Weeks, 4 Days (May 20, 2016)

Our Easter Announcement Picture(:

So far, I've really enjoyed being pregnant. I haven't gotten any bad symptoms. The worse one I've had so far is having a super stuffy nose for a week at a time. Horrible. Other than that, I was just super tired during the first trimester. I kept telling Reece how I felt weird that besides a super sore chest, I didn't feel any different. And it blew my mind to know that there is a little person inside me; that I'm not just me anymore. 

Along with this little story, I thought I'd do some "pregnancy blog" questions.

How far along?  20 weeks, 2 days (half way there!)

How big is the peanut?  According to my app, about the size of a mango. 6.5 in and 10 oz.

Total weight gain/loss? Gained about 5 lbs so far. Though I've noticed I'm losing mass in certain areas as my belly grows.

Maternity clothes? Yes! I've had to switch to maternity ABUs and maternity shirts/jeans.

Sleep? No trouble sleeping yet. Just obviously can't sleep on my belly anymore.

Best moment this week?  I THINK I'm finally starting to feel some movement! I started to get worried it was going to take a long time for me. I was told that because my placenta is in the front, it will take me awhile to feel anything. 

Symptoms?  Right now, just a super sore chest. 

Food cravings? Nothing weird. I just want to eat everything (which isn't abnormal for me)

Food aversions?  During the first trimester, I couldn't stand eggs. Now-none.

Gender?  It's a secret ;]

Labor signs?  NO! and hopefully none for another 17 weeks at least.

Belly button in or out?  Belly button is still an innie, but it has gotten bigger and I think it's starting to slowly push out.

What I miss? Coffee, sushi, and SHRIMP.

What I'm looking forward to?  Right now, setting up the nursery.

Milestones?  Latest one (if I am right about what I felt) would be feeling movement.

Bump? Oh, it's there. If i had a measuring tape near me, I'd measure it. Soon, I'm going to start taking belly pictures. 

That's it for now. Thanks for stopping by! Until next time(:


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