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Reece and I have been off the last two weeks. It's been quite nice to just be able to relax and not do any adulting. Since we're going back to work soon, I thought I'd write a bit about how life's been so far this year(:

Last week, we celebrated our first year anniversary. Which is the reason why we took leave in the first place. We were originally going to spend a week in Seattle but I got nervous about putting our big baby (Sarg) in a pet boarding place. Only because he's getting older and I didn't want to stress him out too much if I didn't have too. So instead, we just went out to dinner. We ate at a steakhouse downtown called Sullivan's. It was pretty darn tasty. Reece said that it was the best steak he's ever had. Since paper is the traditional gift for first year wedding anniversaries, I got Reece a three slot picture frame and printed out google map images of three places-where we met, where we got married, and where we currently live. Thank goodness for Pinterest. 

Another big thing that's happened since New Year's is that we got some new furniture and filled up our house a little bit more. Here are a couple pictures (excuse the messiness). 
Dining Room Table

New Couch :D

Other half of the living room, added bookshelf.

Rearranged Loft with Reece's new desk.

Bookshelf in the loft.
It's feels so nice to have more furniture to fill up the house with. We also finally put together our legos and added more to it. It's still a bit messy with random lego people laying everywhere. I kinda wish we had an actually area to really set up our little lego city. 

Jurassic World section
That's pretty much it for new stuff with us. The boys are doing good. We did have a bit of a scare with Sarg and he now takes "Old Man Medicine" for his arthritis. He's been doing so much better since he started taking them.  We're looking forward to see what else this year has in store for us. Thanks for stopping by. I'm going to try and get better at blogging. Until next time(:


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