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Mrs. Headley(;

Yes, you read that right. I am officially Mrs. Jessica Andrea Headley. I recently changed my name to have Reece's last name. I admit that I am a little sad about not being Jessica Borja, but no matter what, I'm always going to be a Borja. 

Part of our drive to/from work(:
Other News: I didn't make Staff this year, sadly. I missed it by 6.97 points. Ohhwell. I'm definitely going to try to make it next year. We're both going to try and make it next year (fingers crossed). 

It's starting to get pretty dark at night. I feel like it's been forever since I've seen the moon and had to drive in the dark. Feels a little weird. I also started swing shift today. I'm happy to be about that swing shift life again. Especially since hunny bear is on swings. It's nice that we'll be able to actually spend more time together. 

Sarg & his new bed(:

Looking for Bears & Moose!

Weirdo sitting on the stairs. 
We tried taking Sarg to PetSmart last week to get a Furminator Bath. In hindsight, we should've known we were signing him up for too much. But that didn't cross our minds. We wanted to get his teeth cleaned, nails rounded, and get a bath to help with his shedding. Normally, Sarg does good if we had him off to strangers by giving them his leash. We ended up getting called back after one hour because someone decided to run away from the lady and try to get her whenever she tried to get ahold of his leash. He was stressing out so bad that he got a little bald spot behind his ears from all his shedding that day. We ended up just buying the Furminator conditioner and giving him a bath at home (if you have dogs who shed pretty bad, I highly recommend the Furminator conditioner!). I'm actually glad we ended up giving him a bath at home because 1. it saved us about $60 and 2. we ended up finding a small lump in his tail (right at the base of his tail, near his bottom). I'm not too worried about it right now, mainly because it's a small lump. But we are going to get it checked out soon just to be safe. I'll be sure to update y'all on that once we know.

Other than that, the boys are doing good. Loki seems happier here than he did back in the apartment in Las Vegas. We think it might be the amount of room he has to run around here. Sarg also seems happier. We can actually take him out more often and not worry about his paws burning or that he might get dehydrated or something. We've been taking him to this place called University Lake when we can. I wish we would've found it sooner, so we could've taken him a little more before it got too cold. We tried to get him in the water but he won't go swimming....yet. The farthest he went in was up to his elbows (if that's what they're called). Maybe next summer. 

Going to University Lake!

He didn't want proof that he was watching Teen Mom with me =P
So far, Alaska isn't a bad place. Though we don't feel it is where we want to settle at when we're finally done with this military life. It feels like you're set apart from everyone and just a bit too far for us with our family being in the lower 48. Plus shipping sucks with some sites if you're online shopping =P 

I think this is where I'm gonna end this for now...Until next time(:


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