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Our New Home(:

Hello there! 
It's been a little while, hasn't it? It's cloudy and a little rainy today. According to my weather app, it's 52 degrees. Reece is currently at work and I got a day off to "study" for my Waps test tomorrow (wish me luck!). We've just been busy checking into work, in processing with the base, getting our house, and checking out the area a little bit. 

Work for both of us is good so far. WAY different than Nellis. They were not lying when they said things are a lot slower at other bases. We've also noticed that overall, everyone here is so happy and cheery. Unlike at Nellis, where almost everyone hated life. The base itself is beautiful and pretty big. It almost feels like we don't live or work on a base. Anchorage itself is pretty too. Beautiful mountains, some that still have some snow. I'm gonna have to get used to the roads. They got quite a bit of one ways here, which Vegas does not have. 

Anyways, we got lucky with the house we got. We went to the housing office to give them the paperwork (they never got our fax, imagine that). Reece was told that we were qualified for a 2 bedroom BUT they had a 4 bedroom they could offer us because the house has been open for over a month. It was either take the 4 bedroom or wait for a 2 bedroom. Before we gave an answer, we checked out the house. Instantly loved it. So we told them we would like the house. After signing the lease and a couple other papers, we were able to move in the next day!

I think the boys are liking not having to be in the truck anymore. Loki has his own room again and they have so much space to run around. At least until our household goods get here. Sarg also has a yard! There aren't any rocks, which is what he is used too going potty in. But I think he's starting to really like it. 

Here are some pictures of our house(: Not the best, but they'll do. Excuse the little bit of messiness we have in some rooms haha

Loki's Room (1/3 Spare bdrms)

Half of the spare bathroom.

Other half of the spare bathroom.

Laundry Room.

Master Bedroom.

Master Bedroom.

Master Bathroom.


Kitchen/Dining Room.

View of the Backyard.

Downstairs Bathroom.

Mudroom & Front Door.


Living Room & New TV(:


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