Our little prince has been home with us for 3 weeks now after spending his first 19 days of life in the NICU. In case you didn't know, he got transferred to the NICU after birth because he had a pheumothorax/air pockets outside his lungs. The NICU was full of ups and downs but we're so happy he's better and home. Finally found some time to sit and do a 1 month update(: A little late..but better late than never right? Weight 9 lbs. 4 oz. Length 21.65 in/55 cm Clothes Size Newborn and 0-3 month. He’s almost too long for NB and 0-3 is a little big. Hair so much hair in the back, not as much on top. Light brown, sometimes looks like a dirty blonde in the sun. Eyes BLUE! Lighter than when he was born (it was a dark blue/grey). Still has some spots of the darker blue/grey but overall a lighter blue. Sleeping Started sleeping 5-6 hours after his midnight meal. Otherwise, he still sleeps for 2-3 hours or so at a time...
est. March 10, 2015