Hello everyone! Last week we had our last appointment with the Maternal Fetal Specialist at Alaska Native Medical. We got to see our little one for a little bit and then Doc checked the stitch. During the ultrasound, the ultrasound tech asked us what our due date was again. She had just measured the size of his belly and his head. I told her "October 10th". We were 30 weeks 4 days the day of our appointment. After I told her our due date, she told us that he's measuring 32 weeks and a couple days. She also told us he has a big belly (he probably has the Borja belly :] ) and hair! She also told us that he weighed 4 lbs 6 oz and that he's currently in the 80th percentile. Looking like he's going to be a big boy. It's not super surprising he's a bit bigger than average. If I remember right, at every ultrasound they measured his length he measured at least a week and a couple days bigger than what we were. Overall, our appointment went well. Doc said that ...
est. March 10, 2015